Babita Joshi
Graduation Ceremony

The job of an accountant is more than just the numbers. Many people think that accountants simply crunch numbers and prepare financial statements and tax returns. But new accountants learn quickly that there is so much more to the job than that.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to accounting is that it is an organizational function. It’s about taking the money that comes into the organization and putting it with the right accounts.

The major function of accounting is to monitor the financial activities of an individual, a business, a government agency, or a nonprofit organization. This process is referred to as "accounting" and often involves the preparation of accounting statements, which may be used for condition analysis, performance evaluation, management decision-making, and external regulatory compliance.

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard many stories about the accounting industry. You’ve probably heard that accountants are boring, boring, boring. I’m here to tell you that accountants are not boring. However, if you’re expecting your accountant to be a magician that can pull money out of thin air, you’ll be disappointed. I hope you feel more comfortable talking to your accountant, and to help your business be more successful.

Author's Note: So there's a lot going on here. As you can see, the above text is actually a fairly simple introduction to a much more complicated subject. Accounting is a huge topic, and there are so many branches and specialties within it. Take VAT, for example, which is a super complicated subject and one that I know nothing about. I decided to simplify the subject by using a general intro.